Crafting the perfect email

Crafting the perfect email will help you make a good first impression, standing out from your competitors. Learn what you should include in your emails that’s going to increase your conversion rate.

Use a professional email address

The first thing the customer will see in their inbox is your email address, so it’s important you’re using a professional email address that is clearly linked to your company. Avoid using a personal email address as it won’t be clear to the customer who you are and they could assume it’s a junk email.

Have a clear subject line

Subject lines need to grab the customer’s attention and make a good first impression. It’s important that it’s clear and relevant to the job, making it obvious to the customer what the email is about. The customer will be expecting an email about the job or Compare My Move, so mentioning both will increase your open rate.

Introduce yourself straightaway

Introducing yourself and your company in your opening sentence will increase your chance of converting the lead. This means the customer will know exactly who you are and why you’re emailing them. There’s also less chance the customer will ignore your email as they trust it’s from someone professional.

Mention Compare My Move

Letting the customer know that you got their details from Compare My Move will build that initial trust. If you’re just emailing them out of the blue without mentioning us, they’ll doubt the legitimacy of the email. If there’s been no contact after the initial email and phone call, it’s important to still mention Compare My Move when you send a follow-up email.

Use a professional signature

Using a signature in your emails will not only look professional, but it’ll help you stand out from other companies trying to win that lead. Your signature should include links to your website and up-to-date contact details so the customer can easily reach you if they need to.

Make it personal to their request

You’ll have the customer’s name and details about the job on the lead which means you can make each email personal. This shows the customer that you’ve listened to what they need and can help with their request. A helpful and personalised email will always stand out over a generic email.

Don’t forward the original lead email

Avoid forwarding the original lead email you received from us as this will look unprofessional. It can also increase your chance of your email being marked as junk as some email systems block large images instantly. You can use the information from the original lead email to craft your response.

Make sure your quotes are easy to understand

The content of your email is vital in helping you secure the job. Explain how you can help the customer with their request and provide a basic quote or estimate if possible. If not, explain you need further contact to provide an accurate quote.

Mention reviews from other platforms

If you’re new to Compare My Move and are still building up your reviews, you can mention in your email that you have a good review rating on other platforms. Reviews are one of the main trust signals that customers will look for, so this should be an essential addition to your emails.

Let them know how to book the job

You’ve provided the customer with everything they need, now it’s time to secure the job. Your initial email should ask the customer when a convenient time is to discuss the quote further so they can book the job. Alternatively, you can let them know they can also email back to confirm the booking if they’re happy with what you can offer.

Follow up email

If there’s been no initial contact after your first email and phone call, it’s important to send a follow-up email to the customer to win the lead. Make sure everything is consistent with your first email but keep your follow-up email shorter and to the point.

These top tips will help you stand out from your competitors to increase your chance of converting the lead. If you’d like more advice on how to craft the perfect email, talk to our Partner Support Team today.

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